Half-Demon Allure — Chapter 004

This is an English translation of the novel Half-Demon Allure by Mo Bai Qian Jiu. It was adapted into the drama series Demon Girl and Demon Girl 2. This translation is from what I believe is the original Chinese novel uploaded online. It’s available to read legally in Chinese online through QQ read, but I can’t sign up for a QQ account from where I live so I’m not working from that version. This means that there are two extra chapters that I don’t have access to and so will not be including in this translation. I’ve never found anywhere to buy a complete e-book or physical copy from so unfortunately can’t advise on how to support the original author.

  • Title: Half-Demon Allure; Half-Demon Qingcheng
  • Author: Mo Bai Qian Jiu
  • Translated into English by: aphellion
  • Status: In Progress
  • Chapters: 541
  • Rating: Unrated
  • Genre: Fantasy; Modern Romance
Detailed Warnings (possible mild spoilers)

None Yet — I haven’t read the whole novel yet!

Although Ming Xia had sat as if comfortable and at leisure, his nerves were not the slightest bit relaxed. He had paid close attention to Mr. Wu’s movements all along. As soon as Mr. Wu raised his hand, Ming Xia promptly shot up from his chair. Jumping at Qingcheng from behind, the two of them fell to the ground and rolled to one side out of the way.

The bullet streaked over Ming Xia’s head, shattering a glass lamp in front of the stage, the shards scattering over the ground. If he’d been one step late, would Qingcheng’s head, like that lamp, have met a tragic end?

The sound of it startled the whole dance hall. Some timid dancing girls screamed but fell silent at Ms. Qiao’s reprimand, fleeing one after the other to hide backstage.

The strange thing was that all the guests in the hall seemed to look as if this matter didn’t affect them and just quietly watched.

Ming Xia supported Qingcheng as she got to her feet, placing her so she was hidden behind him. Brushing the dust off his suit, he held back a slight smile as his sharp gaze fell on Mr. Wu.

“Mr. Wu, venting your anger on that girl is not the action of a brave man.”

Mr. Wu’s anger came to a head and, no longer caring, he pointed his gun at Ming Xia.

“Ming, let me tell you, as you don’t know what’s good for you. Money or this girl, today you can choose either one and this business will be considered done. If not, I may have let you come here, but I won’t be letting you leave!”

With a clap of Mr. Wu’s fat hands all the seated guests stood up. The situation became apparent – he had been asked here to do him harm. Mr. Wu had set up his people here in advance, and then invited him to walk into the trap.

Ming Xia passed a glance over them but his expression remained cool and composed, not changing whatsoever.

“Is that so? Mr. Wu is so powerful and impressive that he’d actually dare threaten the police.” Ming Xia walked up in front of Mr. Wu and said with a slight smile: “However, have you ever wondered why I came here to your party without bringing anyone?”

“What are you trying to say?”

Ming Xia snapped the fingers of his right hand and everyone present raised their guns, but the direction the muzzles pointed was towards Mr. Wu.

Mr. Wu was taken aback, unable to believe it.

“What’s going on? Are you all rebelling? Guards, guards!”

Leisurely, Ming Xia held a cigarette in his mouth and, after lighting it, took a drag. The milky-white smoke spewed from his mouth, first in a cloud before it dissipated into a fine fog. He took only a single drag, then took the cigarette and jammed it into Mr. Wu’s mouth, stopping up that trap of his.

“Scarface1 Wu, let me tell you – I left a life of doing nothing in the lap of luxury as a young master to come to work as a policeman, and it was because I detest villains like you. Either you behave and do business legitimately in future, or you can wait for me to take away your business piece by piece until it’s all gone. Don’t try the old ways of the Qing Gang2 and the Hong Gang on me, you won’t stand a chance.”

The Qing Gang and the Hong Gang, they were giants in Shanghai. Under Ming Xia’s leadership, were they not able to stir up trouble?

Mr. Wu saw the intelligence and spirit in Ming Xia’s eyes and saw too that he wasn’t joking. Feeling as if there were an invisible gun pointed at his head, he was overwhelmed with anxiety. In secret, Mr. Wu stealthily wiped the sweat from his palms onto his coat.

Ming Xia walked up to Qingcheng and, facing Mr. Wu, pointed a finger at his own head, saying: “You need to use this when doing business, tricks aren’t enough. If one day you’re shot dead by those closest to you, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Let’s go, lovely.”

The last sentence was lighthearted in tone, as Ming Xia took Qingcheng by the hand and just walked out, leaving Mr. Wu standing dumbfounded with shock in the private booth. He dared not say a word more and the gun in his hand had been removed at some unknown time.

After Qingcheng was pulled away by Ming Xia, in hindsight she realized that their hands were clasped together. This kind of skin-to-skin contact with him made her feel an unbearable shame and resentment and she couldn’t help but shake off Ming Xia’s hand.

Those things that had happened just now made her feel uneasy. It was the first time she’d encountered such a chaotic set of circumstances and, what’s more, she’d almost gotten her head blown off. Her heart hadn’t yet recovered from the panic.

  1. Really not sure if this has a deeper meaning, or even if it refers to Mr. Wu having a scar on his face. But this seems to be what Ming Xia’s referring to him as. Although he does only start referring to him as this after they stop being polite to each other. ↩︎
  2. The Qing and the Hong are triad gangs that operated in Shanghai until the 1950s (as far as I can make out). ↩︎

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