Half-Demon Allure — Chapter 002

This is an English translation of the novel Half-Demon Allure by Mo Bai Qian Jiu. It was adapted into the drama series Demon Girl and Demon Girl 2. This translation is from what I believe is the original Chinese novel uploaded online. It’s available to read legally in Chinese online through QQ read, but I can’t sign up for a QQ account from where I live so I’m not working from that version. This means that there are two extra chapters that I don’t have access to and so will not be including in this translation. I’ve never found anywhere to buy a complete e-book or physical copy from so unfortunately can’t advise on how to support the original author.

  • Title: Half-Demon Allure; Half-Demon Qingcheng
  • Author: Mo Bai Qian Jiu
  • Translated into English by: aphellion
  • Status: In Progress
  • Chapters: 541
  • Rating: Unrated
  • Genre: Fantasy; Modern Romance
Detailed Warnings (possible mild spoilers)

None Yet — I haven’t read the whole novel yet!

The interior of the cabaret nightclub Xianlesi was sumptuous and magnificent. Every day a good many honourable guests lingered, indulging themselves there.

Suddenly, the music rose up – the joyful sound of an organ as the prelude, melodiously filling the entire hall. The lights on the stage instantaneously dimmed to complete dark, leaving just a beam of light to strike the lead dancer on her graceful back.

In pace with the rise and fall of the melody, and as the music was about the enter the singing section, Qingcheng opened the feathered fan with a single ‘swish’ sound and the multicolored lights lit up, the whole of the large hall brightening. Qingcheng glanced back, revealing her face and becoming the focus point of the entire stage.

Qingcheng’s dance was stunningly beautiful. The other dancers only served to make her stand out even more.

As they saw that it was Qingcheng, guests below the stage applauded one after the other. The atmosphere at once ignited as the guests began drinking and chatting, the scene becoming lively and bustling.

At that moment, Ms. Qiao didn’t dare relax. Standing at the entrance to Xianlesi, rubbing her hands vigorously against the cold wind, she looked around at the outside and wondered to herself: Why isn’t tonight’s distinguished guest here yet?

Right at that moment, several cars came to a stop outside the door, the scene something out of the ordinary.

Ms. Qiao knew that the person must have arrived, so she quickly moved forwards to welcome him with a warm and cordial shout, “Mr. Wu, I’ve been looking forward to seeing you.”

Mr. Wu got out of the car in high spirits, whereupon another man got out after him. Wearing an uncreased black Western suit and a gentlemen’s bow-tie, the outline of his legs in the suit pants straight and slim – just seeing his figure was enough to attract. Her gaze fell to his face, with his handsome features and a smile written in his clear, bright eyes.

Ms. Qiao recognized the identity of the gentleman in front of her at a glance and called out in flattered surprise: “Chief Ming, you’re here!”

Ming Xia curled his lips into a smile, inclining his head humbly and politely. Then, at Mr. Wu’s invitation, he walked into Xianlesi’s hall and sat down in a perfectly positioned private booth facing the center of the stage.

In the booth, Mr. Wu’s boorish laughter rang out, “Chief Ming, I am truly honored that you could favor me with your presence!”

Ming Xia, still wearing the seemingly absent smile on his face, replied, “Don’t mention it – Mr. Wu, you are a man with certain control over this area1 and, as the saying goes, even a mighty dragon won’t attack a snake on it’s own territory. Showing respect to you is convenient for me, so you don’t have to be courteous to me.”

Mr. Wu couldn’t read any emotion in Ming Xia’s expression. This man was always mild-tempered, with a welcoming, smiling face, but his eyes told him that this was by no means a gentle person who could be deceived.

Consequently, he took a glass full of wine and handed it to Ming Xia, saying: “Since Chief Ming is so frank, I won’t beat around the bush either. We’ll speak openly and put all our cards on the table.”

After speaking, Mr. Wu gave a meaningful glance to the subordinate at his side.

The next moment, a manservant wearing a small waistcoat lifted a seemingly heavy leather suitcase and placed it on the table in front of Mr. Wu.

Mr. Wu grinned, and as he did so he boldly opened the suitcase. The crisp sound of things knocking against each other came from inside until the suitcase was completely opened. Everyone’s eyes shone with a bright golden light – looking at this case, they were unable to look away.

It was full of gold bars!

Mr. Wu pushed the suitcase in front of Ming Xia.

Ming Xia glanced calmly at the suitcase, raised an eyebrow and smiled, “What is this for?”

“Recently, Chief Ming, your police station has been working too hard, sweeping several of my docks at once. As you are aware, our group have adapted to survive in the available conditions – if all of our goods are confiscated, our way of making a living will be taken too.” Mr. Wu said, getting straight to business and staring at Ming Xia.

Ming Xia, however, was not afraid of Mr. Wu’s burning gaze. As their eyes met, he chuckled, saying: “Smuggling is explicitly prohibited. I didn’t do anything wrong, did I?” Ming Xia spread his hands.

“Whether it’s prohibited or not depends on your word.” Intentionally or not, Mr. Wu glanced at the case of gold bars, his meaning clear to anyone clever enough.

Mr. Wu continued: “I realize that you’re new to your post. That we didn’t come to pay our respects at the dock is our mistake. I’ll empty my glass to you here as a sign of respect – is it not possible for me to make amends?”

As he spoke, Mr. Wu tilted back his head and drank down a glass of wine. Very simply and directly, he held the glass until it was rim downwards and shook until there was not a single drop of wine to pour out. That should reflect his sincerity, shouldn’t it?

Mr. Wu looked sidelong at the manservant in the waistcoat and said with a heavy expression: “Why do you have no sense? Put away the gold bars for Chief Ming and deliver them to his mansion later.”

The waistcoated manservant lowered his head and bowed in response, “Yes, sir.” Receiving his orders, he was about to go to the aforementioned case. However, another hand unexpectedly shot out and held down the case.

  1. What he literally said here was that Mr. Wu was the ‘local snake’. It implies he’s a gangster or has a certain control over the area. ↩︎

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